Information on Teeth Whitening
Whitening the teeth using the process of bleaching really does work, but unfortunately it may also bring certain side effects along. Those are usually reflected in significantly increased tooth sensitivity. The process may also cause damage to the tooth enamel or lead to certain further medical complications such as gum irritation and damaged soft tissues in the mouth due to the exposure to strong oxidizing agents.
The teeth may also become extremely sensitive to air, cold and hot fluids. If a person accidentally ingests a small amount of the bleaching gel it can cause certain symptoms such as nausea or burning sensations in the stomach. Actually the increased sensitivity occurs in most cases and is very characteristic for the tooth bleaching process.
Carbamide peroxide is the chemical substance used for the process of bleaching and it sometimes exposes dentins which are microscopically small particles located in the inner tooth. These particles are responsible for the increased sensitivity of the teeth. The process of bleaching also increases the enamel prism dissolution. All of the above depends on different factors such as stability, pH and viscosity but the most important factor is how fast can carbamide break down into hydrogen peroxide and then later on into oxygen.
It requires a longer procedure because the oxidizing agent has a much slower release. Sometimes, the process may be sped up by utilizing heat.
Potential Danger
Teeth whitening can come in very handy for those who have discolored or stained teeth. There are numerous different methods, techniques and products that can be used to whiten the teeth.
Almost every one of them has a list of different disadvantages. They range from minor irritations to severely painful experiences. Numerous home remedies used for the process of tooth whitening can cause significant damage to gums and enamel. Home remedies usually involve the use of certain types of fruits which possess potent acidic properties.
The acids can severely deteriorate the tooth enamel and the visual appeal of the teeth. Prolonged use of nonprescription products intended for tooth whitening can cause severe irritation in the gums and teeth in some cases. These products need to be used wisely, in right quantities and concentration. The only way to bleach the teeth without any harm is to let a dental expert perform that.
All the harm and complications associated with the process of tooth whitening can only be caused by certain chemical substances that are commonly contained in all different tooth whitening products.
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