Teenagers love to nibble on snacks, they go through the fridge, the cupboards just to find something to curb the hunger, but more often than nit they just want to nibble. Unfortunately, most snacks can be unhealthy for us, they don’t contain the nutrients our teenagers need and certainly do not make them any cleverer. There is a trick to giving them healthy food without them actually knowing it.
Snacks and the Weight That Goes with Them
Let’s look at some of the teenager’s number one choices for snacks. Firstly, they tend to go towards the crisps of any flavor, and then they love to wash them down with a can of coke or some fizzy alternative. Let’s not forget cookies and chocolate bars and of course the good old pizza slices coupled with chips or fries in America. After which they will start to notice a couple of extra pounds around their midriff, and in teenager land that’s unacceptable. So they fast for a day thinking that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that notion. Nutritionists will tell you that snacks coupled with dieting does not work and certainly is not healthy. The best thing to do is eat little and often.
Snacking-Good News and Bad News
The good news is, snacking, if eating the right snacks is good for you because your following the rule of little and often. A piece of bad news is the calories in the snacks which can make you put on weight, feel bad and make you avoid eating healthy food because you’re full.What to Eat and How to Control
If you like a whole grain cereal then measure one cup and place it in a container or a plastic bag for when you get in from school. Cheese is a good basis for calcium and protein and all the children and teenagers enjoy it. Dried Cranberries are similar to raisins and contain fiber and vitamin C, It will provide you with energy, which you know you are going to burn. Oatmeal Cookies, the healthy ones, are great for you and they are delicious.
How to Choose the Best Foods to Snack On
Go for foods which have complex carbohydrates and low-fat dairy and low-fat protein in them. The complex carbohydrates can be found in all fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans, also included is hummus, and steamed Japanese soybeans. For the low-fat dairy then go for low-fat milk, yogurt and cheeses. You can find low-fat protein in lean chicken, turkey or fish.
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