Hi, and welcome to puberty. The ride is probably bumpy, but worry not, everybody has been there, or is going to be.
As you might have noticed, you are growing and changing, looking more like an adult and less like a kid on what's like a daily basis. Your folks might also be sitting on your back with advices. You know, like what to eat, what not to eat, such stuff. Here are some tips that will help you understand them. They mean you no harm, actually they wont you to grow strong and healthy and beautiful, but they might just not be putting it right for you.
For a moment, think of your body as of a building that's having a few floors added. It requires some material for upkeep and some material to add on. Materials used for these tasks are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Let's check their properties.
These are the building blocks of everything. They define structure and they provide function. They are everywhere. Hair and nails? Same protein as in feathers. Elastic skin? Collagen protein (that stuff from beauty commercials). Muscles? Hell yeah. All other organs? Definitely. No proteins, no game, period. Foods rich in proteins are eggs, all kinds of meat, milk and cheese, soy products, beans, and the like.
These are the principal fuel source for our organism. Brain uses carbohydrate fuel only, how's that? Trouble with carbohydrates is that sugar is one of them, and it is by far the worst carbohydrate that you can get - and the one you will be getting most, unless you take some care. Good sources of carbohydrates would be fruits, honey, whole grains, beans and vegetables. Cookies, cakes, fizzy drinks and the like are filled with sugar, so try to avoid having too much of them.
Fats serve as energy reserve in times of crisis. By 'burning' them in metabolic processes, body can energy release stored in them for emergency use. Having no fat at all is dream of many, but it is not a good idea. Vitamins such as A, D, E and K are soluble only in fat. Fat serves as insulation and protective layer for organs. It is too much fat that is not good. You need fat, in your body and in your diet. Thing is, there are good fats and bad fats. Good fats (like Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, kinda cool sounding if you are geeky) are required for proper functioning of many systems in your organism.
Sources of good fats include olive oil, cold water fish, flax oil and others. Bad fats come from meat and dairy products and should not be consumed excessively. Fast food, snacks and prepackaged, prepared, 'open and serve' foods are loaded with these and should be avoided at all times.
It is also important to exercise, to engage in some physical activity. There are other benefits of sports than just becoming captain of the football team. We are machines designed to operate best when regularly used, mind and body alike. So get out and flex those muscles.
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