Is It Possible?
Believe it or not, male part of the population also reaches that part of one’s life called a menopause. Namely, at some point of life, usually after the age of 40, a male’s body undergoes numerous changes. Apart from the unavoidable decay of bones, skin and organs, hormone levels get altered as well. Testosterone, being the most important male hormone, making men what men are, starts decreasing thus triggering numerous symptoms mostly connected to the state of andropause, or the male menopause.
Role of Androgens
Androgens, already mentioned above, present a group of hormones which emphasize both physical and mental characteristics of males. Testosterone, being one of the most important members of this hormone group, also has similar functions. For example, at the period of adolescence, this hormone triggers widening of one’s shoulders, growth of facial and body hair as well as mutation of one’s voice into a more serious and deep, male voice. Therefore, if we take into consideration what these hormones do, and the fact that their concentration declines in andropause, it is not hard to perceive the effects of it on a man in his later years.
Symptoms of Male Menopause
First of all comes the lack of sexual desire. During a man’s life this urge gradually decreases and a man in his fifties has much less desire for sexual intercourse than a young man in his twenties. Moreover, later in life men tend to get less and less interested in this activity, since they do not feel any desire for it, and get deprived of the pleasure sex brings.
With the lack of libido comes the lack of general strength. Thus, fatigue gets more and more present in a male’s life and stamina along with endurance are all shorter lasting. Men in this state of life get tired quickly and do not go out as much as they did before.
Frequent feeling of anxiety, nervousness and anger accompanied with inability to concentrate and forgetfulness all add on to the list of symptoms each man is likely to experience in his menopausal period.
Paradoxically enough, with constant fatigue comes sleeping disorders. Although, troubled by feeling tired all the time, men in andropause have difficulties falling asleep and resting in general. Along with their body’s inability to regenerate, male muscle mass is decreased and transferred into fat, thus often making the state of being overweight one of the most common symptoms of this state of male life.
Finally, this unfortunate list bears two more pillars of male decay. The first regards bones and the other deals with the brain. Menopausal men tend to develop osteoporosis or similar condition manifesting through bone determination. Additionally, they are prone to confidence issues, they tend to lack resolve, lose hope, finally getting confused, depressed and sad.
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