Men and Frequent Night Sweats
Even though night sweats are more common in women who are in their menopausal periods, thereby being older than 40, men of this age can suffer from this annoying and bothersome condition as well. Moreover, since men are not typical sufferers of this problem, continuous night sweats are the cause of concern quite often. However, there are many different causes of this problem. Thereby, the reason behind night sweats in men can range from sleeping depravity and stress to some kind of a severe underlying health condition. This is why this phenomenon should not be neglected. Rather, as soon as night sweats start appearing in your life too often, you should look further into it and seek medical assistance.
Reasons behind Night Sweats in Men
One of the most common reasons of this problem is quite harmless. Namely, if you tend to sleep in poorly ventilated, hot environment, you are bound to sweat since sweating is our body’s way of balancing temperature. However, night sweats of this type may stem from your meals during the day. Thus, if you have eaten spicy food, you are likely to suffer from night sweats during the night. Also, through sweating, our body gets rid of unwanted toxins we have previously exposed it to. So, if you have been drinking heavily lately, you are bound to experience these sweats as your body tries to detoxify itself. Finally, stress and daily frustrations may manifest through your night sweats as well.
As for more delicate and serious conditions behind night sweats in men, the first suspect can be andropause. Believe it or not, men also suffer from hormonal changes as they grow older and some of the symptoms of this metamorphosis are the same as with women and their menopause, including night sweats.
Next, there are viral or some other types of infections and/or inflammations in one’s organism as possible causes of night sweats in men. These are usually connected to the cardiovascular system or pulmonary system in our body. Cancer may also trigger night sweats in men. Finally, low blood sugar, irritable bowel syndrome, old age or specific medications all can have this condition as a byproduct. Depending on the severity and frequency of night sweats, immediate medical attention may have to be sought as soon aspossible.
Before taking any further steps, make sure your sleeping quarters are well ventilated, clean and comfortable. If this condition remains persistent regardless of the modifications you have made, the next logical step is to pay your doctor a visit.
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