Lumbago or low back pain is among the most common cause ofvisits to the doctor. It can be acute and chronic, depending on the time itlasts, and the chronic type is much rarer than the acute one. Lumbago alsoaffects the work force as it causes people to lose a certain number of workdayson a yearly basis. From this social point of view, it causes large direct andindirect costs every year. With each year there is a growing number ofsurgeries performed in order to treat low back pain. It is still a relievingfact that most cases of lumbago get improved without any serious treatment orsurgery.
The most common cause of all cases of lumbago is an injury.Be it a strain caused by misuse and overuse or a sprain caused by excessivejoint movement, the injury still cause so much trouble to the lower back. Sometimesa degenerative change caused by work and aging or trauma can cause severedamage to the intervertebral discs which can also trigger low back pain.Fractures are severe injuries caused by direct blows and falls and they canalso be the cause of lumbago. Lumbar spondylosis and osteoporosis can alsocontribute to the symptoms of lumbago by causing degenerative changes and spinefractures. There are also numerous other problems that are not associated withany spine conditions but they still cause pain in the lower back.
The symptoms of lumbago include a sharp, dull, stabbing,aching or throbbing pain which sometimes can be connected to the pain in thebuttock or the leg. Sometimes actions such as twisting, bending, walking or liftingcan worsen the situation. Standing or sitting also usually worsens the situation,while lying down is helpful in most cases. Sometimes these symptoms can beaccompanied by weight loss, urinary problems and a loss of sensation and inthese cases, one should ask for immediate medical attention.
Diagnosis requires physical examination and sometimesx-rays. Sometimes a patient must undergo nerve conduction velocity testing andelectromyography and, very rarely, a discogram. Various types of tests need tobe done in order to localize the pain and define its cause.
In order to treat the lumbago one must rest first and takesome medications to take care of inflammations, not more than four days. An icepack can be applied a few times a day to bring further relief. Some othertreatments include steroids, pain medication, muscle relaxants, chiropractictreatment and sometimes even acupuncture.
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