Pain in a vertebrae is in majority of cases caused either by an injury or a fracture. The pain can range in intensity and the treatment depends on the cause and the very symptoms.
Painful Vertebrae Injury
This sort of injury can happen during some trivial activities such as lifting of heavy boxes or in sports activities. The problem often affects older people since their spine is already damaged with the process of aging. Degenerative processes lead to structural abnormalities thus the spine and all its parts become more susceptible to injuries.
In these injuries supportive structures of the spine are most commonly damaged. Damage of the bones happens only in small percentage of patients and only if trauma is severe. In majority of cases, the injury is connected to herniation of the intervertebral discs, osteoarthritis of vertebral joints or compression of the nerve roots.
The symptoms of injured vertebrae include persistent pain in the affected area, the pain that may irradiate along the affected nerve, weakness or spasm of the surrounding muscles, changes in sensations such as numbness or tingling and prickling sensations and so on.
People who have suffered from the injury of vertebrae need medications to reduce the pain. Furthermore, according to the very cause appropriate treatment modality is applied. In some cases medications are not enough and cannot help the patient with the pain. In this case the only way for the pain to be reduced or eliminated is surgical procedure.
Vertebral Fracture
Vertebral fracture is a serious condition and it always causes very intensive pain. Sever trauma is the leading cause of the fracture and the resulting pain. In elderly people chronic degenerative conditions of the spine make them prone to vertebral fracture. In some cases the fracture can heal spontaneously while other patients require surgical repair.
Compression fractures commonly cause localized pain and consequent stiffness of the surrounding muscles. Apart from the trauma fracture can be induced by severe osteoporosis, process of aging, primary and secondary bone cancers and so on.
If a person has suffered serious injury he/she should be immediately transferred to hospital. Majority of uncomplicated fractures are treated conservatively. The pain is controlled by painkillers. The back is stabilized and the patient must rest until the fracture heals completely. Only severe types of fracture and complications are treated surgically. These include dislocated vertebral fracture with compression of the spine or spinal roots and some other possible complications.
In predisposed people the best way to prevent vertebral injuries and fractures is to keep away from the strenuous activities.
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