The medical condition referred to as facet syndrome injuryis not the common cause of back pain, as some people tend to believe. This typeof injury involves acute pain which is usually triggered by a sudden movementwhich causes trauma to the joint. In most cases, this medical condition ischronic and is commonly triggered by some long term changes. More often thannot, these changes are associated with another medical condition known as thedegenerative disc disease. For those who do not know, facet joints are locatedat the back of both sides of the spinal column. More precisely, they fill thespace between the vertebral bodies and the discs. They are enclosed within acapsule. The main purpose of the facet joints is to provide stability for thespine and minimize any excessive type of movement. The facet joints can gettraumatized by excessive sudden movement or get nipped between the two bones.Once the joint gets traumatized, it involves painful sensations, swelling andinflammatory reactions which may last for a couple of days. Chronic instancesof facet joint pain may last much longer than just a few days. They also usually involve degeneration withinthe joint with eventually may lead to an arthritic type of medical problem.
Facet Syndrome Signs & Symptoms
If a person experiences the facet syndrome he or she usuallyfeels back pain just to one side of the spine, and it commonly gets worsened bybending the spine towards the affected side. The back feels very stiff.Sometimes an MRI or CT scan, as well as X-ray need to be performed in order todiagnose the condition properly.
Facet Syndrome Treatment
Severe cases of facet syndrome need to be treated withpostural correction with a chartered physiotherapist. This type of treatmentalso needs to be accompanied by prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatorydrugs and plenty of rest. Some cases also need to be treated with topical heatpacks. Sometimes the therapist has to manipulate the affected joint byperforming a controlled type of thrust into spinal rotation. Some cases alsomay require a back brace which is very efficient in supporting the lower backand providing with reassurance. Chronic types of facet syndrome are much harderto treat. Sometimes the therapist uses long acting local anesthetic andcorticosteroid injections in order to relieve the symptoms. Radiofrequencydenervation is used as a more lasting type of approach for the pain relief.
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