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What are Fibroids?Fibroids are non cancerous tumors that can grow inside or outside the uterus. Fibroid tumors, also known as uterine fibroids, are classified into four types and their size can vary. Also, fibroid tumor can grow in groups or develop as a single growth. The symptoms of fibroids tumors can differ in females. Fibroid tumors typically affect women in their reproductive age. The cause of fibroid tumors is unexplained and they may affect any woman. Still, these growths are usually found in women with excessive body weight. On the other hand, women who have given birth have slightly less risk of fibroid tumors.

Fibroid Tumors Signs and SymptomsSigns and symptoms of fibroid tumors depend on the type of the growth. Often, fibroid tumors do not cause any symptoms. Nevertheless, sometimes women with fibroid tumors may experience problems with menstrual cycle. This includes: excessive menstrual bleeding, and painful and prolonged periods. Pelvic pressure may also be a sign of fibroid tumors and it can be followed by urge to urinate often and difficulty in emptying the bladder. Constipation can also accompany fibroid tumors. Pain in the lower abdomen, backache and spotting or bleeding between periods are other possible symptoms of uterine fibroids. Sometimes, fibroid tumors can interfere with fertility or cause pregnancy complications.

Fibroid Tumors Types and Their SymptomsAs already mentioned, there are four types of uterine fibroids. Types of fibroid tumor differ according to the location of growth within the uterus. They are: subserosal fibroid, intramural fibroid, submucosal fibroid and pendunculated fibroid.

Subserosal FibroidSubserosal fibroid tumors grow in the outer portion of the uterus. Also, they remain growing outward. Because of that, they usually do not affect menstruation but create pressure on the nearby organs. They are commonly followed by pain in the pelvis.

Intramural Fibroid

Most common type of uterine fibroids seen in women is intramural fibroid. This type of fibroid tumor grows in the uterine wall. It grows inwards and expands while growing. Intramural fibroid usually results in a larger appearance of the uterus therefore it is often mistaken for pregnancy or weight gain. In general, intramural fibroid causes heavy menstrual bleeding. Back and pelvic pain are also common due to blood clots passed in menstruation. Frequent urination and pressure are commonly experienced as intramural fibroid grows larger.

Submucosal FibroidThis type of uterine fibroid grows within the uterine cavity, below the lining of the uterus. It may or may not cause symptoms. Submucosal fibroid is associated with symptoms such as excessive and prolonged menstrual bleeding that may result in fatigue and anemia.

Pendunculated Fibroid

This type of fibroid tumor grows on the stalk. Pendunculated fibroids can be classified into two types according to their location, namely pendunculated submucosal and pendunculated subserosal fibroid. Pendunculated subserosal fibroid develops inside the uterus while pendunculated submucosal fibroid grows on the outer wall of the uterus. Pendunculated fibroid tumor can cause severe pressure and pain in the pelvis.

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