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Liver is a vital and largest organ in the upper right abdomen, and it has a wide range of functions including storage of vitamins, sugar, iron and other minerals, destruction of toxins, regenerating worn red blood cells, breaking down alcohol and medications and production of bile (concentrated fluid that helps digesting the food in the intestines).

In cases of fatty liver, problem is with build up of excessive fats in liver’s cells. Presence of fat in liver in usually normal, but if exceeds 10% if total liver weight, it is a case of fatty liver.

Causes of fatty liver can be attributed to several factors; one is liver disorder due to excessive use of alcohol, and it is called alcoholic hepatitis. The other is overweight or obesity. Unfortunately, hepatitis can also occur with the people who do not drink at all, and if untreated in time, can lead to inflammation of the leaver, and other serious consequences.

Symptoms of fatty liver may include dull pain in the right upper abdomen, malaise, or a fatigue. If there is a case of an advance stage like cirrhosis, symptoms may be nausea, weakness, loss of weight, lack of appetite, etc.

Because the symptoms of fatty liver may be unnoticed by you, many cases are discovered during other routine check ups. In case that your doctor find that you have any kind of fatty liver disorder, he may perform additional tests for you to confirm the diagnose, such as MRI, ultrasound or CT scan.

Also other risk factors for fatty liver disorders may be diabetes, obesity, some medications (prednisone and others), etc.

Treatments in cases of fatty liver and hepatitis may include reduction of high blood triglycerides, good diabetes control, and alcohol abstention. Sometimes, in particular cases, surgery of reversal intestinal bypass, in cases of obesity, is necessary.

Obesity can be critical and most important predisposition factor for you to have a case of fatty liver, but nevertheless, you must not lose weight suddenly. A sudden weight loops is a health risk action, and could have severe consequences for your health and body, besides your original liver disorder. Anyway, in cases of damaged liver by fatty liver disorder, you have to lose weight, only do it in a medically prescribed way and rhythm, in order not to jeopardize your health even more.

In recent months, new studies are called are attention to anew drug, called Act gall. This new drug proved during its test phase, to be very effective in cases of fatty liver or cirrhoses.

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