Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) includes a range of liver diseases ranging from simple fatty liver (steatosis), to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), to cirrhosis (irreversible, advanced scarring of the liver). The common attribute for all of these diseases is the accumulation of fat in the liver cells. Fatty liver may be accompanied by the inflammation of the liver, also known as hepatitis, or scarring of the liver, also known as fibrosis. The phrase “nonalcoholic” refers to the patients who do not consume excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages.
Causes of fatty liver
Fatty liver is most commonly caused by one’s unhealthy life style. Excessive use of alcohol and other harmful substances and junk foods, is the most serious risk factor. Increased fat intake, even from the milky products, may contribute to the accumulation of fat in the liver cells.
Triglycerides are always present within the liver cells and they become activated because of the long term abuse of the liver and high level of fat deposits inside of it.
Animal fat, especially the kind that’s being absorbed from red meat, may cause fatty liver syndrome even in the people with otherwise healthy life habits.
Stress is one of the major causes of many health problems nowadays. Together with alcohol abuse, consumption of fast food and red meat, it radically increases the occurrence of fatty liver disease in modern people.
Signs and symptoms
Patients with fatty liver may often complain of chronic fatigue, feel tired and sluggish. They are most commonly overweight and it isn’t rare to observe traces of cholesterol deposits in their body or on their face. However, it is not uncommon for a patient to remain slender, but strains of the cholesterol misbalance should be visible on their face, skin and dryness of the hair. It is necessary to perform a liver biopsy in order to set the right diagnosis.
Fatty liver syndrome comes together with aches and pains in the abdomen as well with the gastric and ulcer complains.
Treatment of fatty liverThe treatment of fatty liver depends on what is causing it. Treatment usually involves comprehensive detoxification of the body together with life style moderation and a proper diet. Some of the treatment methods may include pranayam, or breathing exercises, aerobics, muscular activities and time spent outside in the fresh air.
Key factor in the treatment is to bring the body back to a healthy balance, to restore it and invigorate it from toxins and greasy substances.
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