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What Is FattyLiver Syndrome?

Accumulationof the fat in the liver is also known as the fatty liver syndrome. The liver isunable to metabolize the fat as it should and as a result, there are somefat deposits in the liver. This condition doesn’t necessarily have to causehealth problems, but in some cases it can cause liver inflammation and lead toscaring of this organ.

There are severaltypes of this condition: non alcoholic fatty liver and non alcoholicsteatohepatitis, as well as alcoholic fatty liver and cirrhosis associated withfatty liver disease.

Excess consummationof alcohol is responsible for alcoholic fatty liver, but this is not the riskfactor for other three types of this medical condition. Non alcoholic fattyliver is usually caused by malnutrition, serious weight loss or obesity. Diseasessuch as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heightened level of cholesterol and triglyceridesin the blood, hyperlipidemia, Wilson’s disease, hepatitis C and iron overload mayalso contribute to the development of fatty liver disease.

Patients whohad a gastric bypass surgery are also exposed to a greater risk of fatty liver.

Pregnancy mightbe a triggering factor for development of fatty liver in certain women.

Use of drugslike amiodarone, tetracycline, cortisone, Prednisone, methotrexate, phosphorus,carbon tetrachloride and high doses of vitamin A may provoke accumulation offat in the liver.

Symptoms ofFatty Liver Syndrome

Fatty liver doesn’tcause symptoms in all patients, but only in those who develop inflammation andscarring of the liver.

Patients sufferingfrom fatty liver syndrome may experience fatigue and weight loss, nausea,vomiting and loss of appetite. Mild jaundice, fever and dull pain in the upperright area of the abdomen may also point to accumulation of fat in the liver.

Non alcoholicfatty liver disease usually doesn’t cause any symptoms, while non alcoholicsteatohepatitis may cause liver inflammation. Scarring of the liver is seen almostonly in untreated disease and it may lead to further worsening of thecondition, including liver cirrhosis.

Available Treatments

Doctors striveto discover the cause of fatty liver syndrome in their patients and then totreat the problem accordingly. If caught in early stages, this problem isreversible, especially if the patient includes lifestyle changes like properdiet and physical exercise.

These patientsshould avoid excess alcohol, because it could damage their liver even more. Allother medical conditions that might worsen fatty liver syndrome must be takencare of in these patients, especially diabetes and heightened cholesterol and triglyceridesin the blood.

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