Although the number of people who smoke has decreased over the years due to regulations that ban smoking in public places, restaurants and pubs, the number of ones that still smoke is still big. The other major factor is cost that has a major impact on low income families. Many people would like to give up smoking but believe they cannot do it without help. Remember that whatever you do on regular bases for thirty days becomes a habit, smoking being a classic example. Therefore, many turn to hypnosis hoping this will help them. Does it work, or not and does it really achieve what it claims to, let’s discuss this in the following article.
How Does Hypnosis Work?
Many people dream of giving up smoking but cannot break the habit. Many turn to hypnotherapy to help them. We will first look at what hypnotherapy is. A lot of people believe it is some form of hocus pocus which does not work. Firstly, nobody goes into a trance as most people fear but is simply a relaxed state of mind that has bought the unconscious mind to the fore and switches off the conscious mind. In this relaxed state the inner mind is open to suggestions that will benefit the client and help them gain motivation for change, for example stop smoking.
Habits and Triggers
With these suggestions we can help the client alter their views on the pleasures they constantly seek when smoking. Plus a hypnotherapist can change whatever triggers the habit of putting a cigarette in their mouths. These habits and triggers are key, for example if a person loves a smoke after a meal then their brain has become conditioned to do this, or when under pressure they believe smoking will help them and over time become totally dependent on this habit. These habits, emotions and triggers hypnosis will change in the mind.
The Methods Used
So what are the methods used? We discussed how the hypnotherapist taps into the unconscious mind when in a relaxed state. This can be achieved by breathing techniques, listening to relaxing music and having the client staring at a spot above head height. This all empties the unconscious mind and leaves it open to suggestions. The hypnotherapist will then change the habits and triggers using positive language, plus highlighting the known health problems associated with smoking and its cost to them and their family. Another method is identifying something the client really has a bad aversion to. Then suggesting to the inner mind that whenever a cigarette is placed in the mouth, the new programme reminds them of this vile taste. This method works well with some clients. However, there is no magic pill here. Much will depend on the client’s determination to quit. Therefore the success will depend much on the individual.
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