Stomach pain and diarrhea
Managing abdominal pain
Nausea or vomiting can cause abdominal pain and can be treated with anti-nausea medications. Acupuncture, meditation, eating food cold and in small meals and sitting up with the head raised will also help.
If abdominal pain is caused by constipation, it should be treated with stool softeners and gentle laxatives. Diet change is also a good thing in this situation. One should definitely avoid cheese and eggs, among other foods. Recommended foods in this case are cereals, beans, fresh raw vegetables and fruits, nuts, apricots, etc. Lots of fluids such as of water, prune juice and herbal tea, should be ingested into the system. Also, caffeine has been proved to help with constipation, but should be consumed moderately. When stools become loose and without consistency, stomach pain and diarrhea step in. In this manner the undesirable substances are flushed out from the body. Since a lot of vomiting will lead to serious loss of fluid, it should be repelled with drinks such as blackberry tea, chamomile tea, ginger tea and water in which brown rice have been boiled.
Planning ahead is crucial
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