Yoga has been practiced in India for several thousands ofyears. It is believed that this physical and mental discipline started around 3.000years B.C. in India. These days, yoga has become very popular among the Westernworld, as the way to improve physical health and gain mental strength.
Yoga poses are also known as asanas, and they could be performedwhile standing, sitting, lying, but also on the head or on the hands. Some ofthe standing yoga poses are trikonasana, utkatasana, parighasana and ardhachandrasana. As the basic standing yoga asanas many teachers will recommend trikonasanaand utkasana, while parighasana and ardha chandrasana are advised for thepeople who have been practicing yoga for some time.
To do trikonasana (also knownas the triangle position) stand upright. Your feet should be apart for aboutthe width of your shoulders and your left toe should point to the front, andyour right toe to the right side. Then stretch your arms to the side and makethem parallel to the ground, while pressing your weight on the feet. Then slowlyextend your body to the right side, still stretching your arms and remaining parallelto the ground. The next step is to gently lower the extended right arm, toreach the skin of the right foot. Extend the left arm vertically and twist thebody, while looking at your left hand. Hold the pose for 10 breaths and afterthat, bend the right knee and place the hands to be parallel to the ground. Repeatthe pose on the left side.
To perform utkasana (the chair pose) stand straight and keepthe feet close together. Extend your arms to the front, parallel to the groundand with your palms facing downwards. While exhaling, bend the knees and take aposition like you are sitting on the chair. Hold the position for 5 to 10breaths, inhale, straighten the legs and take a deep breath, moving your armsto the ceiling and then down the side of the body and try to relax.
This asana is performed on the knees, and your hips shouldbe directly over the knees. Extend the right leg to the side and place theright foot to the ground. Stretch your left arm up and slide your right armdown the right leg, while inhaling. Hold the pose while counting to 10, thenreturn to kneeling and repeat one more time. After that, repeat the pose withthe other leg and hand and then relax.
Ardha chandrasana
Half moon pose (as ardha chandrasana is also known) is alsoa standing pose. Stand with the feet close to each other, extend the arms tothe ceiling and join the palms of the hands. Bend the body to the left andstretch your spine. If you can, look at your left foot and stay in the positionfor 3 to 5 breaths. Now return to the starting point and relax.
There are also some more advanced techniques of these poses.For example, in trikonasana, yoga practitioners might reach the floor with thehand. In parighasana, you could bend with the extended arm to the side of yourstretched leg. Remember that the breathing is essential for all yoga poses. Listento your yoga instructor and give your best at the time.
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