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Yoga is one of the best physical exercises for children. This low-impact workout composed of stretching and strength exercises will help them develop the muscular mass, get some length, strengthen the bones, improve the posture and the range of motion. Moreover, most of the children find yoga very entertaining even though some of them may find it harder to remain focused and develop a calm mind. Yoga teachers can overcome this obstacle by introducing the children to the class in a more playful manner. For example, teacher can ask children to use their imagination and picture to oneself that they are floating in space, in the quiet surrounding of the stars. For some of the children, practicing yoga outside can also be very interesting and calming.
Yoga benefits for kids
In addition to various health benefits, children who practice yoga will learn the easy way how to be comfortable when they are alone. The improved sense of self-awareness will make them befriend solitude and enjoy every moment of it. They will also learn how to become calm and handle many different moods. This is one of the best ways to build the child’s positive attitude towards physical exercise while improving concentration, self-discipline and inner strength. As any other group activity, yoga can help to build social and cooperative skills, while being completely non-competitive. This practice is also suitable for children of all ages, and it helps them develop strength, stamina, agility, flexibility, balance, coordination and cardiovascular health. It also makes the body properly aligned and helps to avoid future injuries.
Yoga postures for children
Here are some of the easiest yoga postures for children. First one is simply called the sunrise and sunset. A child should breathe as it moves through the pose. The pose starts by standing up tall. The child should take a couple of breaths while standing and on the long inhale it should lift the arms above the head and stretch the spine and waist towards the sky. On the long exhale the arms should stretch forward slowly reaching the ground. The child should take a couple of breaths and slowly, with a strong stomach to support the spine, come back to standing position.
The tree pose is the most amusing for children. It starts by standing up straight and tall. The child should look at a static spot in the room and slowly lift the right leg by bending the knee. The right leg is placed above the knee of the left leg, as the arms slowly extend towards the sky, like branches. This is a balancing pose where the child should be focused on a quiet mind and deep breath. The breath and calmness should remain undisturbed, even if the child starts to fall. If that happens, a good advice would be to smile and start from beginning.

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