Different Ingredients – DifferentSalad
Salads are becoming more and morepopular due to their light characteristic and low calorie properties.However, these are often insufficient for satisfying your hunger orcan be monotonous unless you introduce some interesting elements,like chicken, for example, in them. Chicken salads are a very populardish. Thus, many people who enjoy them wonder how much calories dothese have. Well, taken into consideration that there are varioustypes of this meal and chicken meat itself, it is only logical thatthe number of calories will depend on all these properties. For thisreason, the following lines will describe some of the most popularchicken salad recipes and explain their nutritional valuesafterwards.
Chicken Salads and Their Calories
One of the most popular chicken saladsout there is the Chinese chicken salad. This one is made by mixing atablespoon of Asian red chili sauce with two tablespoons of vinegarand the same amount of brown sugar. Then, you are to add one and ahalf tablespoon of soy sauce and two tablespoons of toasted sesameseeds. Once you do this, include four sliced green onions and half acup of vegetable oil. You will also need 4 fresh wonton wrappers, 6cups of shredded cabbage and one and a half tablespoons of fresh,grated ginger. Then, two cups of cube-sliced cooked chicken is added,along with 2 navel oranges, asparagus and an avocado.
Once this kind of salad is preparedcorrectly and served, one serving will contain about 308 calories.Above that, it will have 317mg of sodium, 4g of fiber, 36mg ofcholesterol, 15g of protein, 20g of carbohydrates and 19g of fat.
Another popular dish of this type isthe chicken salad with mayonnaise. The ingredients involve 1 cup ofmayonnaise, a tablespoon of paprika and the same amount of seasoningsalt. Then, you are to add chopped pecans and celery, one cup ofeach. You will also need two green onions, chopped. Here, you willneed two times more cooked chicken, in equal slices. Add pepper andone and a half cup of cranberries.
This meal will add 253 calories to yourorganism, as well as 42mg of cholesterol. As for the fat value, mayochicken salad serving has approximately 16,2g.
An additional type of salad which isalso very popular is the grilled chicken salad. Prepared withbarbecue sauce, onions, celery, chicken breasts, sweet corn and bellpepper as well as fat-free mayonnaise, a single serving of this mealwill have 168 calories, 34mg of cholesterol and a minimum of 2,2g offat. All in all, different chicken salads offer different nutritionalvalues so choose the one you like best, being aware of itseffects on your body.
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