What Causes Sore Eyes?
One of frequent causes of sore eyes is conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva (the mucous membrane that covers the eyeballs and inner side of the eyelids). Depending on the cause of conjunctivitis some patients may be contagious while in other cases there is no possible transmission. Bacterial conjunctivitis and viral conjunctivitis are, for example, contagious. On the other hand, chemical conjunctivitis is non-contagious and develops due to exposure to certain chemicals. Apart from sore eyes the condition also features with blurred vision, gritty feeling in the eyes, sensitivity to light, itching of the eyes, redness and excessive tearing.
Sore eyes may be also connected with allergy to different allergens such as dust, smoke, pollution, pollen etc. The eyes become sore, watery and itchy. The condition is most commonly accompanied by sore throat and runny nose.
It is not unusual for eyes to be sore or tired after excessive straining such as spending too much time in front of the computer, reading too much or watching television for a longer period of time.
And finally, sore eyes may occur due to insufficient production of tears. Tears are essential for proper lubrication effects. Eye dryness and subsequent sore eyes may develop due to the process of aging, intake of certain medications or illnesses that affect the very lacrimal glands (tear producing glands).
Treatment for Sore Eyes
Treatment for sore eyes generally depends on the underlying cause. Bacterial or viral conjunctivitis require treatment with antibacterial or antiviral drugs. They are most commonly applied in a form of creams or eye drops. Allergic reactions require antihistamines and avoiding repeated exposure to the problematic allergen.
People whose jobs may cause excessive eye strain and subsequent sore eyes may prevent the problem with frequent breaks. These people require more rest through sleep than normal. And finally, people with insufficient production of tears can benefit from artificial tears.
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