Causes of pink eye
The causes for this condition may include the viruses, bacteria and allergies. Furthermore, if it comes to an eye contact with a chemical, pink eye may appear. Moreover, a foreign object in the eye also may be the potential cause for the occurrence of this condition. In infants, as well as in the babies up to one year of age, the blocking of the eye channel may cause pink eye and affect both eyes. If a person scratches the eye, it is a potential cause for conjunctivitis. It causes redness in the eyes, as well as the commonly known tearing in the eye, which consequently may be very painful.
Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis can affect both or only one eye. Between these two types of conjunctivitis there are differences. The viral conjunctivitis produced water discharge, whereas bacterial conjunctivitis often produces a thicker, yellow-green discharge. The emergence of both kinds of conjunctivitis occurs due to common cold or due to respiratory infection, which additionally causes pain in the throat. In viral conjunctivitis, sinus inflammation and runny nose are typical symptoms, but eyelids can also be swollen and looking into the bright lights can be painful. These symptoms may be present even one to two weeks. The bacterial conjunctivitis causes eye pain, swelling and redness and it is caused by different bacteria, such as Streptococci and Chlamydia. Both kinds of conjunctivitis, viral and bacterial, are very contagious and they are characteristic for both, children and adults, though bacterial conjunctivitis is more common in children.
Allergic conjunctivitis often occurs when a person is allergic to pollen, but also due to allergies to animal hair, as well as allergies to dust. Allergic conjunctivitis simultaneously affects both eyes and it leads to the appearance of red or pink eyes. Furthermore, it causes itching in the eyes, as well as eye inflammation and swelling of the eye membrane. It also leads to sneezing and leaking water from the nose. Allergic conjunctivitis is usually seasonal and is followed by sneezing and itching in the nose and throat.
When a chemical substance or foreign object comes into contact with the eyes, it comes to their irritation. Normally, it comes to an irritation when a spray of any kind is sprayed in the eyes.The easy become irritated as a result of exposure to tobacco or other smoke and due to industrial pollution and smog. It can be reduced by rinsing with large amounts of water. However, redness and irritation remain.
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