Sociopathy and Children
Since there are more and more cases of juvenile delinquency, people are getting more and more interested in the area of sociopathy in children. Even though this condition is mostly developed during adulthood or teenage years, children are also prone to it and may show certain signs of sociopathy even in their young age.
The main thing to look for, regarding noticing sociopathic behavior in children is aggression and irritability. However, there are more clues than these so read on to learn what to look for when doubting that sociopathic behavior is present in your disobedient child.
Basically, child sociopaths will not listen to any rules or follow social norms of behavior and conduct. Still, they will be quite self-confident, intelligent and manipulative even at this young and inexperienced age.
Symptoms of Sociopathy in Children
Interestingly enough, sociopathic children are prone to bed wetting even after the age of five. On the contrary, they are likely to perform acts of arson and behave like pyromaniacs. Their lack of emotions may be expressed on their treatment of animals, since cruelty towards these beings is quite common when a child is a sociopath. Stealing and lying pathologically belongs to the list of traits of these children too.
These children will show negative emotions towards other people who try to understand them. Thus, they will be aggressive and prone to fights quite often, caring little for the health and well-being of others around them. Their negative hyperactivity is likely to reflect on their school, resulting in difficulties or unwillingness to pay attention and have good marks regardless of the obvious intelligence of these young individuals. Problems and constant quarrels with their peers go without saying. Finally, these children will despise authoritative behavior towards them, will often have speech problems and be capable of committing acts of vandalism and manipulation.
Causes of Sociopathy in Children
Mostly, genetics is involved in this process greatly. Often, children of sociopaths become sociopaths themselves. Psychologically, there is a different explanation for this behavioral problem and lies in abnormalities regarding serotonin production. Finally, bad parenting, dysfunctional families and domestic problems may all trigger this kind of behavior in children.
Finally, the treatment is possible, but is quite long and demanding. The child will need parental support and many psychotherapy sessions along with behavioral therapy sessions too. Sometimes, medications are necessary. However, stopping this at a young age is better than watching a child sociopath become the same during adulthood.
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