Lipomas are the most common type of soft tissue tumors. These tumors are benign and tend to grow slowly, creating soft masses surrounded by a thin capsule made of fibers. Even though many people claim that lipomas may turn into cancerous growths, this was never documented or scientifically proven. Most lipomaas are subcutaneous. Nevertheless, there are types which can be found in other locations, such as in the gastrointestinal system or in the muscle tissue.
An Interesting Research
During a research carried out by Pang et all 238 patients who were having lipomas on their spinal cord, underwent resection, 116 undergoing a partial one. In both cases, successful surgeries took place in over 95% of the cases with 83% progression-free postoperative periods lasting for 16 years after the T/NT resection and 36% for patents who underwent partial resection for 10 and a half year after the surgery.
Facts about Lipomas
Lipomas are not the same as other types of tumors. Namely, these problems are often considered to be sebaceous cysts or abscesses. However, both of these growths defer lipomas and are dealt with through different kinds of procedures.
Lipomatous tumors do not metastasize, but can be quite prone to reappearing, especially when found in muscular tissue or retroperitoneal location. On the other hand, liposarcomas are malignant tumors which can metastasize.
Since lipomas may appear in the breast areas as well, these too can be differentiated from other benign tumors, mammary hamartoma or pseudolipoma which is a soft tissue mass enveloping a smaller cancer.
So called “lipomas of the cord” can be found in the spermatic cord, usually accidentally, during hernia procedures. Then, these are removed as well.
All in all, lipomas appear in about 1% of people in the world. These people usually get their lipomas removed due to aesthetic reasons. Moreover, 16% of lipomas which appear in the intestine are benign. Furthermore, 14% are adenomas while 18% are considered to be leiomyomas.
Finally, lipomas are usually benign growths which can appear at any possible part of our body. They can be found in the gastrointestinal tract, esophagus, stomach and the small intestine as well. Generally, lipomas do not cause pain. However, in some cases, such as with duodenal lipomas, they can trigger jaundice, bleeding or intussusception. Thus, regardless of the type of your lipoma, have it diagnosed and analyzed, as well as removed if necessary, keeping yourself safe from possible complications.
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