Steam andSauna Baths
Exposure tohigh temperatures, sitting under conditions that are controlled, is called a Saunabath, and its most famous form is that of a steam bath. This type involves aroom maintaining a 44 degree Celsius temperature, and can be very beneficial tothe health of the individual partaking in the bath. The benefits of bothclassic steam saunas and infrared ones are proven and appreciated around the worldwide.Steam Baths have been historically used globally and frequently, rising to prominencein Finland upon completion of the Revolution. The method used in Finlandemploys stones heated up to a high temperature within a fire. Pouring wateronto the stones generates the sauna bath steam. Certain saunas utilizeelectrical heaters, while some more sophisticated ones utilize infrared rays togenerate heat either in the body or around it.
Positiveeffects of Steam Baths
Steamingthe body causes it to sweat and open up the skin pores, allowing for the fasterelimination of toxic and impure material out of the body, as well as inducingbetter blood flow and circulation and relieving the muscles, which can aid in the arthritis and joint pain treatment. The sweat glands located in the skin arestimulated by the steam, which then leak out toxins via the skin. The sauna bathcan eliminate the lactic acid that gathers in the muscles upon exercising andcauses strain. This kind of bath can also assist in loss of weight by improvingthe quickness and potency of the metabolism. Though most of the weight losscaused by sauna baths is attributed to loss of water, it has been recentlyproven that an average session in a sauna can burn around 300 calories, thesame as a light walk. The bath alsocarries stress relieving properties due to its relaxing nature, as well as theability to cause deep sleep. This mostly relates to the bath's ability totrigger the brain into releasing endorphins, a chemical related to pleasure.The immune system is bolstered by the increase in body temperature a steam bathprovides, helping increase the production of anti-ferons, white blood cells andanti bodies, thus assisting in combating bronchitis, laryngitis and the commoncold. While its benefits vary dependingon individuals, it can be claimed that a sauna bath lasting from 15 to 20 minutesharbors similar effects as an hour of exercise. The heart rate is also bolsteredby 50 to 75 percent after a sauna bath lasting 10 to 20 minutes.
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