Saggy Breasts
Many women suffer from saggy breasts. Breasts can become saggy after childbirth or due to the process of aging. Large breasts are more likely to become saggy eventually. This can be explained by the simple process of gravitation. Today plastic surgeons easily correct this problem. Not only that they perform lift of the saggy breast but they also reduce or increase their size. The results are great and a woman does not have to be ashamed any more.
Mastoplexy- A Surgical Procedure
Medical term for lifting of breast is mastoplexy. The goal of this surgery is to lift breasts, remove the excess of the skin and to tighten the surrounding tissue. The new breasts look younger and much more appealing. This procedure can additionally reshape or even reduce the actual size of the nipples. Mastoplexy can be accompanied by augmentation of the breasts or reduction in their size.
The perfect candidates for mastoplexy include women whose breasts have lost substance or firmness, in women with pendulous and elongated shaped breast and those women whose nipples are pointed downwards or even fall bellow the breast crease. Furthermore, this surgical procedure is performed in women with excess of the breast skin or who are suffering from huge areolas. And finally, it can also be performed in women whose breasts are asymmetrical.
The most probably the operation will be of low risk in women who do not smoke and are of good general health. Obesity, heavy smoking and comorbidities carry certain risk of complications. The optimal time for the surgery is after the breasts have fully developed. Additionally, it is best to perform it after a woman has decided not to have any more children. This is done because later pregnancy can only ruin the results of the surgery.
Before the surgery a woman is examined and specific tests are performed. She is advised to stop smoking and lose weight if necessary which will reduce the risk of potential complications. Certain medications also need to be discontinued as they can interfere in the operation and cause prolonged healing or even some complications. All the allergies and medications that are taken need to be reported. The surgeon will examine the patient's breasts and ask questions about family history of breast carcinoma and if a woman has had problems with breasts before.
The surgical procedure is performed under general anesthesia. After the surgery a woman must not perform any strenuous activities for certain period of time. Risks and complications include undesirable scaring, prolonged bleeding and hematomas. There is also a certain risk of anesthesia and blood clot formation. Swelling of the breasts is transitory. If the surgeon manipulates with the nipples a patient may end with permanent loss of sensation in this area. And finally, a woman may not be satisfied with the results and in some cases the breast can become saggy again.
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