A number of people, particularly those who are not into sport or physical activity, is probably not even aware of the importance of the rotator cuff until some injury is experienced. It is then that they realize that the stability of the entire shoulder depends on every of the four muscle that comprise the rotator cuff.
Rotator cuff is very prone to injuries, because in the greatest majority of people the muscles are not as strong and developed as they should be, and this is another thing that people are not really aware of. This is why all those who decide to begin with exercises for this part of the shoulder (either in order to strengthen it or to speed up the healing process) should do it under the supervision of a professional. Regardless of the reason, if a person wants or has to do the exercises that will help the muscles of the rotator cuff to become stronger, then it is highly recommended to find somebody who is an expert and who will point them in the right direction. If exercises for rotator cuff are a part of rehabilitation, then the person in question should not feel any pain while performing them.
Exercises for rotator cuff
The best results in strengthening the rotator cuff are provided if the dumbbells are used, and it is enough to use those from one to five pounds.
One of the most commonly performed exercises is called external rotation of the rotator cuff, and it is actually very simple. The two most common positions are when the shoulder is in neutral position and when it is raised to 90 degrees. Another exercise is performed while lying on the stomach on a bench, for example. The elbow is bent to 910 degrees while the arm is the shoulder level and hand with the dumbbell is close to the floor. The hand has to be raised slowly until in the same level with the shoulder, but it is important that the elbow remains bent all the time. An exercise which is also frequently suggested requires from a person to stand up holding in each arm one dumbbell. One arm should be raised to the level of 45 degrees approximately, but if pain is felt before, then there is no need to reach this level. The arm is then lowered slowly and that is all. All of the exercises should be done for one arm first and until it gets tired, and then the set of repetitions for another arm.- medlineplus.gov/ency/patientinstructions/000357.htm
- medlineplus.gov/languages/rotatorcuffinjuries.html
- Photo courtesy of Nucleus Communications by Wikimedia Commons: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rotator_cuff_high.jpg
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