The nine months of pregnancy give soon-to-be parents the time to prepare for the arrival of their baby; both emotionally and in a practical sense. One thing that is on the mind of many expectant mothers is whether they'll return to work after the baby is born, or not. Can you afford to stay at home with your baby?

What do you lose by staying at home with your baby?
Many parents, and mothers in particular, would really like to stay at home with their kids and care for them full time. Even if you are planning to return to work later on, you may love the idea of being there for your baby's first year (or two!). Breastfeeding, early bonding, and all those baby milestones, are quite important!
What do you lose? Obviously, the income you were making before quitting your job, and the financial freedom and stability that may have offered. Full-time parenting may also negatively impact your chances of finding a good job later on in life. Your job position and pay may be much lower than they were when you left the employment market.
And what do you gain financially?
You may look into other ways to earn an income that still allow you to be with your child. Starting your own business or working at home could be viable options for you, if you look into them. Moreover, daycare facilities for young children may be so expensive that many women in lower income groups essentially work to pay for child care... which is a little pointless, unless you really enjoy the work and prefer your child to spend time with other kids in a daycare facility. Some families conclude that staying at home will save them money, especially when they add in commuting costs, work clothes, and lunches outside the home.
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