Hi! I am Olivia, and I have been working at home for five years now ever since my first baby was born. I said goodbye to a very satisfying job with lots of international travel to welcome another satisfying job, which turned out to be just as hard and just as fulfilling. It's called motherhood, and nothing quite compares to it. Not everybody can work at home, and those who do manage to find work that offers a reasonable income can count themselves very lucky, in my experience.
Spend some time on parenting forums online, and you'll see that many moms venture into sewing or crafting businesses. Sewing is one of my hobbies, and I personally don't think it is something very easy to do with a newborn, especially when you have the pressure of deadlines. Computer-based jobs are most suitable for mothers of small babies who want to work from home, I think... But not all computer-based jobs!
Working for a call center with a newborn crying at unpredictable times is not a good idea, unless you have other caregivers at home too. If you are an accountant, translator, writer or editor, you have a good thing going, though! The top tips that make this type of job, that requires your mental presence but has relatively clear deadlines and no immediate interaction with people, easier, are these:
Breastfeed. Many babies are perfectly happy to hang out on your lap while you work, as long as you nurse. Nursing is hands-free once you get in some practice, and can go on for a long time. Use a good baby carrier that is hands-free if you don't have a baby who loves sleeping in her crib. Mei tai carriers are ideal. Have the baby's crib right next to you if you do have a crib sleeper. Work at times when your partner or other caregivers are also at home, so that you can get a break from the baby when you really need to get stuff done. Find a job that has reasonable deadlines. Getting work done by tomorrow, or in a week, is realistic. Getting something done in an hour... not so much! On a related note, don't postpone deadlines to the last minute, because your baby will have a poop explosion, or a fever, or something else that needs you to take care of it right now.
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