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A typical scenario is a person who will work five days a week as well as complete family house hold chores, coupled with family time. This does not leave much time for fitness thus the increase in weight gain worldwide. In recent times, people have become aware of the problems associated with lack of exercise and there has been an influx of gym and fitness class members. One popular fitness class is pilates as it covers a range of needs and age groups. By following a regular Pilate’s class you will help your body to tighten the muscles and sculpt the body. As with all fitness classes there are different levels designed for beginners through to experienced pilates goers.

Pilates Exercises for Beginners

Pilates is now one of the most popular types of exercise in recent years in the majority of countries. All types of people can take part in pilates from dancers, professional athletes, the elderly and people in some form of physical rehab. By doing pilates you will get stronger as well as leaner in your body.

Pilates Explained

Pilates is originally designed in the 1920’s by a man named Joseph Pilates. The intention of pilates was physical rehabilitation for the prisoners of war. The pilate exercises are made into six principles which are centering, breath, precision, control, flow, and finally concentration. Pilates in its true form does not possess exercises of repetition unlike other fitness regimes. Pilates features mainly core strength and torso solidity. The exercises are predominantly performed on mats or on equipment such as pulleys, graduated levels of springs as well as exercise balls.

Imprinting Pilates Exercise

This type of pilates exercise will help you to release your stress. You will need to lie down flat on a pilates mat, making sure to keep your arms to your side and curve at your knees, and the feet need to stay level on the floor. At this point you can allow yourself to relax each body part, preliminary with the shoulders. Then follow through to unwind your jaw and the throat. Now going down to the ribcage, allowing your sternum to drop and give permission to the ribs of your back to move on the floor. Next you can concentrate on relaxing your abdominal and spinal muscles then the hips and legs. At this stage you need to imagine lengthening your spine and breathing deeply whilst doing so. This can be performed two to five times. Some people may need the support of a towel under their neck.

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