Swimming is one of the best low-impact cardiovascular activities. It boosts the health of your heart, activates many of your muscles and allows you to stay fit and healthy. Speaking of fitness, as you become more skilled in different styles of swimming, your swimming fitness increases. Therefore, the following lines will present different swimming techniques and grant you the necessary information you need for performing them and understanding their benefits.
Swimming Styles and Physical Fitness
Freestyle is one of the most popular styles of swimming, being fast and effective. Basically, this style is based on following the imaginary axis which goes through your body, moving your body around it horizontally.
You perform freestyle swimming by straightening your legs and turning your toes outwards, while pushing one hand forward and the other next to your body, similar to a windmill. Once you extend your arms in such a way, bend them at the elbow and swap their positions, following the imaginary axis. During this sequence of movements, turn your head sideways so that you can breathe in and out in a rhythmic manner.
Breaststroke technique is yet another way of enjoying the benefits of swimming. Here, the legs need to be close to each other and bent towards the chest, with your hands in the same position, palms together as if you are praying. From this position, spring into spread legs, resembling the leg motion frogs commonly make, extending the arms as much as possible. Then, return to the initial position, moving the arms in circular manner, pushing the water in order to move. As you pull your hands, position your head above the water level so that you can breathe. Finally, once you move the head back under the water, your body should be ready to perform the same set of movements again.
Other Swimming Styles
Butterfly is a common swimming technique too. In order to perform it, you need to spread your arms as much as possible, bending your knees so that you may move your legs as a dolphin, triggering movement forward. Get your head out of the water by pulling the arms out and swinging them forward, as if you are diving. Then, after allowing your body to glide for a short instance, return to the initial position and do the same set of movements repeatedly.
Finally, you can perform backstrokes, lying on your back, moving your body with windmill motions of the arms and gentle, interchangeable flipping of the legs, floating with the rest of the body, keeping the head relaxed, with your face facing the area above you.
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