Nighttime sweating or sleep hyperhidrosis is medical conditionwhich might affect woman’s sleep, but also her everyday life and health. Many womencomplain about headaches, irregular heartbeats and sudden raise of temperaturewhich are known to accompany night sweats.
Why Night Sweats Occur?
PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), pregnancy and menopause aremost likely periods of night sweats in women. Hormonal imbalances during these periodsof life are to be blamed for occurrence of sweating issue. Other causes can include:idiopathic hyperhidrosis, adverse effects of certain medications, variousinfections, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), hormonal disorders or someneurological problems.
PMS may provoke nighttime sweating, irritation and differentkinds of pain in some women, as well as the pregnancy. Woman’s body inpregnancy may be exposed to generation of some excess heat in order to maintainhealthy temperature. Unfortunately, some women find it very difficult and experienceexcess nighttime sweating.
Hormonal changes in menopause is most likely cause of night sweating for most womenolder than 50 years of age, while they can also be the reasons for perimenopausalwomen in their 40s. Hormonal imbalances are responsible for all symptoms ofthis period of life, including hot flashes and night sweats. Elderly womenrarely experience night sweating and if they do suffer from this problem, it ismainly provoked by infections or some other severe medical conditions. Bloodtests and hospitalization of these patients are probably the best choice forfurther diagnosis and treatment.
What Can You Do?
Balanced and healthy diet can make a difference in womensuffering from nighttime sweating. It is extremely important for them to starteating on a regular basis and try to eat food rich in fibers and water.Salads can cool down the body, so these patients are advised to eat more ofthese every day. Other vegetables might also be useful for women experiencingnight sweats. Leafy vegetables can cleanse their body, so they should try toincorporate plenty of these into their everyday menu. Make sure to eat plentyof lettuce and cucumber, since these vegetables are especially good for nightsweating problems. Consummation of different fruits rich in water is also highlyappreciated, so eat more watermelon or some other fruit you prefer.
Some foods may provoke night sweats and therefore should beavoided at all costs. Spicy food, onions and garlic should not be on your platefor this reason if you are suffering from night sweating.
Drink plenty of water and always hydrate your body properly.
Sleep in light and comfortable clothing to avoid getting evensweatier.
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