Exposure to warmth usually provokes sweating. The temperatureof our body is not normal, so our sweat glands start to work and produce thesweat. Night sweat is also known as nocturnal hydrosis and it normally occursif we sleep in the room that is too warm or when we use too many blankets. However,there are several medical reasons that could lead you to experience something like that.
What Can Cause Night Sweat?
Anemia, hypotension (low blood pressure) and hypothyroidismare conditions associated with cold sweats at night. Epilepsy and cerebralpalsy may also lead to a similar problem.
Many menopausal women experience night sweating when theirbody starts to adjust to this period of life. Low levels of estrogen andprogesterone common for menopause are found to be responsible for the sweatwhile sleeping in these patients.
Idiopathic hyperhidrosis or excess sweating is one of theseconditions. People suffering from this problem sweat a lot all the time,including nighttime when they are sleeping. Doctors and scientists still don’tknow what causes this condition. So far, they can tell that certain infectionssuch as tuberculosis or inflammation of the bones (osteomyelitis) or the heartvalves (endocarditis) may be responsible for idiopathic hyperhidrosis. Brain injuriesmay also affect regulation of the sweating and lead to this condition in somecases.
Diabetes is also known to provoke night sweating, especiallywhen the patient’s insulin level drops low. Sleep disorders such as sleepapnea and some other may interrupt the breathing during the sleep and leave thepatient sweating at night time. HIV infection and lymphoma may be some of the mostserious causes of night sweating as well.
Medications such as Aspirin, acetaminophen, niacin andantidepressants are known to provoke night sweating as one of their sideeffects. Alcohol is another possible cause of night sweating. Women usingcontraception pills or men on sildenafil may also experience night sweats. In children,night sweating is usually connected to fever or anxiety.
Treatments of Night Sweating
Proper diagnose of the condition that has caused cold sweatsat night is very important, because only then your doctor may recommend a proper treatment for your problem.
Patients are usually advised to sleep in a cool room and withthe window open, if possible. Cold shower before bedtime may also be of help tothese people. Another helpful thing is some cold drink. So, if you have problemswith night sweating you might be advised to drink cold milk, water or somejuice after dinner.
Plenty of fruits and vegetables, dairy products and fishwill also help to prevent excess sweating and keep your body cool. Meditation beforebedtime may also help you to relieve the tension and anxiety provoking thesweats.
Idiopathic hyperhidrosis may be treated with medications forsome time. Other options for the treatment of this condition include Botox orsome surgical procedures.
If the cause of excess sweating at night are somemedications, doctor usually decides to take the patient off them and prescribesomething else instead.
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