Gallstones and symptoms that indicate it
No matter how painful and uncomfortable gallstones might be, the fact is that there is no reason for people to be afraid that the surgery is the only solution. There are some natural ways that should be tried out first, because in many cases, they help in passing the gallstones without any medications or surgery. Sometimes it is possible to get rid of the gallstones overnight, but this happens rarely, and generally, it takes time to get rid of them, just as it took time for them to be created. The size of the gallstones affects the period of time that will be needed.
As far as the signs that indicate problems with gallstones are concerned, pain in the back (between the shoulder blades, to be more precise), indigestion, nausea and bouts of vomiting, pain in the upper part of the stomach and yellowing of the skin are most commonly present.
Some natural remedies that help
Olive oil and lemon are more than common ingredients of natural remedies that people use for the treatment of gallstones. For example, 20 ml of olive oil and juice of one half of lemon only need to be mixed and one piece of raw garlic should be sliced and added to this mixture. The person should take this before going to bed, and then lie on the right side. Supposedly, the stones will be out in the morning, and they will be passed in the stool.Black seed oil is also helpful for liver and lymphatic system cleansing, and it is enough to simply add it to the daily regime. However, it is recommended to increase the dosage gradually, (to start with 5 ml until 15 ml, if the person tolerates it well).Green apples are particularly helpful, but the fact is that any apples can be used as long as they are organic and spray free. This should be the only food taken (or raw juice made of apples) on the day of the flush and nothing else.Tea from the herb Quebra Pedra should be used, but in a way that 2 teaspoons of the herb are put in half a liter of water. However, this tea should be drank only one day, and then after a month or two again.Dietary supplements of vitamin E and vitamin C are also helpful for gallstones, as well as essential fatty acids.
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