Gallstones Info
Gallstones are formed from the accumulated bile componentsin the gallbladder. Besides the gallbladder, gallstones may pass to other partsof the biliary tract. As the result, the patients might suffer from acutecholecystitis and the bile may be withheld in the gallbladder. This conditionis usually secondary to some bacterial infection. Another problem could beobstruction of the bile duct, leading to severe complications such as cholangitisor pancreatitis in some cases.
According to the statistics, one of every 12 people isdiagnosed with gallstones at some point of the life. Patients suffering fromthis condition usually experience: sharp stomach pain and intense pain in theupper right part of the abdomen. Indigestion, fever and jaundice (yellowing ofthe eyes and the skin) are also frequently present symptoms in people sufferingfrom this medical problem. Patients may notice the change in the color of theirurine as well. As we already stated, when gallstones move to bile duct there isa possibility of severe complications, which could bring even more pain for thepatient.
Common treatment options usually include waiting to see ifthe condition passes on its own or if it doesn’t – surgical removal of thegallbladder. Since the gallbladder is an extremely important organ in the body,living without gallbladder may pose many problems. Without the gallbladderpatients may suffer from diarrhea for the rest of their lives and also avoid fattyand spicy food and dairy products. Also, these patients are exposed to greaterrisk of bowel cancer, due to dripping bile.
Natural Treatment Options
Gallstones might be dissolved and flushed away using some simpleand natural treatments. These can include either liver and gallbladder cleanseor clean food cleanse.
Liver and gallbladder cleanse is probably the most populartreatment of gallstones. Using some natural products, like lemon, grapefruitand extra virgin olive oil should help you to eliminate the gallstones within24 hours. These natural ingredients will help your liver to eliminate accumulatedtoxins from the body and start working at its best to pass the gallstones.
Eating so-called “clean” food may also help your body to eliminategallstones. Patients should use raw and fresh, especially organic food andavoid eating anything processed. This type of cleanse usually lasts for 4 days.
Prevent Gallstones
In most cases, even when people get rid of the gallstonesthey tend to come back and cause more problems. That’s why prevention is veryimportant in this case and people prone to gallstones are advised to eat morefruits and vegetables and use vitamin C, as well as to engage in some regulareveryday exercise. Red meats and cholesterol food should be avoided if you arehaving problems with the gallstones.
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