The so called dieter’s tea is a product which is very popular among all those who want to lose excess weight and it comes in various brand names which all have the same ingredients. Even though these products have a lot of fans which claim they are highly efficient, they still may be associated with certain types of side effects. The dieter’s tea main advantage is that it is highly efficient in increasing the bowel movement. A large number of people have this misconception that the dieter’s tea helps in getting rid of all the toxins out of the body. This slimming type of tea has very potent laxative properties due to certain herbal ingredients contained in it. Those ingredients commonly include castor oil, buckthorn, cascara, rhubarb root, Senna and aloe. These herbal remedies are known for being very efficient in enhancing the bowel movement and relieving constipation. So laxatives are pretty much welcome in all cases when a person suffers from constipation and needs to clear out the bowel tract, but using them for weight loss is a completely different story. Laxatives prevent the absorption of food and manage excessive amounts of calories ingested. The foods do not get absorbed in the small intestines, they get absorbed in the large intestine, but the laxatives increase the bowel activity and prevent the absorption of food in the large intestine.
Side Effects Of Laxatives
Laxatives indeed do provide the user with weight loss to a certain extent but they may be associated with certain types of side effects. They are known for causing permanent damage to the gastrointestinal tract, and causing the softening and weakening of the bones. Drinker’s tea is the most popular one because it is fairly cheap and has a nice, pleasant taste. It is commonly used by those who suffer from anorexia nervosa and bulimia. It is an interesting fact that women are much more prone to using laxative than men. Most of them are not aware of the fact that laxatives may interfere with fertility and the menstrual cycles. Laxatives may also be associated with the occurrence of menstrual cramps. All pregnant women and those who are trying to be pregnant should steer clear of laxatives. There are certain misleading terms which can be associated with these products, as the marketers tend to claim that their products are low calorie or that they do not contain any calories at all. The most common side effects of laxatives include painful sensations, constipation, dehydration, electrolyte disorder, rectal bleeding, fainting, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps and nausea.
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