Natural Joint Pain
In the following text, we will discuss on the problem of natural joint pain and the remedies that you can use in order to reduce the intensity of this problem. The name used in medicine for this problem is arthralgia and the sprains and injuries are the two most common causes of it. This problem can affect any joint in the body and it can even affect several in the same time. Several conditions, such as tendonitis, bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, produce this problem as a symptom, although there are several other causes, like bad posture during sleeping, walking or sitting. The inflammation can also cause the problem. Inflammation can be created due to the pressure applied on the joints that are used almost during the whole day, since the movement of the body cannot be accomplished without their activity. The joint will experience stiffness, redness and inflammation, as well as the mentioned pain. This can be very discomforting and it can affect the life of an individual. It can even affect the movement and make you miss work.
We will give you several remedies you can try at your home. Cold therapy is most popular method of treatment and it involves the application of ice cubes packed in a zip bag on the joint. But before applying the bag to the affected joint, wrap it in a towel. This will help with the swelling, but it will not affect the stiffness. For this problem apply heat, but bear in mind that this needs to be done after the cold therapy and after the elimination of the swelling. You can take hot baths or showers in order to apply heat, or you can use a hot pack. The application of hot pack needs to be done two or three times a day in the duration of 20 minutes. One of the best remedies is a mix of sunflower oil and camphor oil, which is used for massaging the joint. You can also use olive oil in the same manner. Use a mix of ginger and arnica topically or include half an inch of fresh ginger in your daily diet. You can drink the water in which the grated potato has spent the night and you can mix it with apple cider vinegar, honey or water. You can make a mixture from 3 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice, 3 teaspoons of Epsom salt and pint of warm water, and drink one teaspoon three times during the day. Also, bath can include two or three cups of Epsom salt and it will become a good remedy. Never ignore the problem and seek the opinion of an orthopedic. You can also reduce the problem by doing exercises and going on physical therapy.
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