High Blood Sugar
High blood sugar is a condition when a body does not have enough insulin to turn glucose into energy. High blood sugar is usually found in people who have diabetes, but there are other factors which can cause it. Besides diabetes, causes of high blood sugar include inactivity, food rich in carbohydrates, exposure to stress, infection or taking steroid medications. In the early stages, the symptoms of high blood sugar are frequent urge to urinate, excessive thirst, headaches, tiredness and vision impairment. If it is left untreated high blood sugar may cause serious health problems and new symptoms can occur. Such symptoms include pain in the abdomen, mouth dryness, and increase in appetite, weight loss, weakness, nausea, vomiting, uneven heartbeat and breathing difficulties. The most severe cases include fever, persistent vomiting and diarrhea, and even coma.Herbs
There are plenty of herbs which can help you decrease and control high blood sugar. One of such herbs is Gymnema sylvestre, which can also lower the cholesterol level and fat in the blood. Juice made of bitter melon plant is also recommended for controlling sugar levels in diabetes. Another useful herb is Pterocarpus marsupium. This herb can lower your blood sugar without any side effects. Herbs, such as fenugreek and cinnamon, are also excellent for treating high blood sugar. These herbs can also reduce the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in your blood.Exercises
Regular daily exercises will help you keep the blood sugar under control. Physical activity will also improve your overall health and blood flow, and reduce the risk of heart diseases. You can do aerobics, swimming, jogging or simply take brisk walks in the park. You should discuss with your doctor about the benefits of exercises before engaging in any physical activities.Diet
Besides exercises and proper treatment, it is recommended to include dietary changes in order to achieve optimal results. Since carbohydrates can increase blood sugar, you should avoid food with refined carbohydrates. You should eat plenty of green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, lettuce and broccoli, and other vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and green beans. Also include fresh fruit in your diet, but be careful to avoid those which are rich in carbohydrates, such as melons, papayas, peaches, and pears. Chicken, turkey and especially fish are also recommended. You should eat whole grains, flax seeds and low fat milk products as well. Use olive, canola or soybean oil for preparing meals.
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