Gas is not limited to pregnant women alone. No matter how rude people think it is, everyone farts sometimes. Some sources estimate that people produce several liters of gas a day. When you are pregnant, this can get a lot worse. Why? Progesterone is the culprit. This essential pregnancy hormone relaxes all your muscle while you are expecting a baby. Sadly, your intestines are not left unaffected. This means that pregnant women are not only more likely to pass wind, but they also tend to burp a lot more. This is a symptom that can start quite soon after you find out that you are pregnant, but that will probably increase as your pregnancy goes on. As well as high progesterone levels, the fact that your uterus puts pressure on all internal organs including your digestive tract later in pregnancy makes pregnancy gas even worse.
The fact that your digestive system has been slowed down means that bacteria get more time to do their work in your bowels, creating additional gasses. Changing your diet can help you cure gas. First, you will need to find out what the offending foods are, and then you can stop consuming them. Beans, cabbage and other vegetables that belong to the cabbage family, are the most common offenders. Carbonated drinks also contribute to gas. But not every woman reacts to the same foods, so finding out what foods make your gas worse can be a bit of a trial. Fatty foods can be avoided by everyone though. While these do not increase gas, they do slow your digestive system down even more, which in turn aggravates gas.
- www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/indigestion-heartburn-pregnant/
- www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/HealthyLiving/childbirth-pain-relief-options
- Photo courtesy of Matt & Janet Dustin by Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/mattandjanet/113502705/
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