Infant Gas
In order to develop an effective and fully functional digestive system, infants need some time. During this time, more precisely during several first months of life, infants may experience gas problems. No digestion is present during the period when the baby is inside the mother because the food for the baby is received from the blood. So it is normal that it takes some time to accustom to its functioning. The problem we are talking about in this text, the infant gas, is followed with spit ups, hiccups and bloating. Some pain or irritation may also be experienced due to the gas pockets located in the intestines.
This problem may be of diverse severity and this depends on many factors. This very common problem is usually created due to the digestion of milk, which is a process that occurs when the baby consumes milk, formula or breast milk. Many foods can cause gas problems among mothers, so if a mother is consuming such food, the baby may also experience problem of gases. Also, acidic diet of a mother can cause gases. During the process of breastfeeding, the baby can take excess of air and this can lead to gas problems, too. The intestinal flora, which helps the digestion, is not produces during this period, so it can contribute to the creation of gases. Stress is also a potential cause of infant gas.
The baby with gas problems usually cries when diapers are changed or after feeding. Since, the baby cannot talk, it is vital to see and detect the symptoms. Baby may also have flatulence, pumping/kicking legs and the stomach bloating. Other symptoms include sleeping problems, constipation and diarrhea. The symptoms that suggest a more serious problem are high temperature and several others.
We will tell you about some of the most popular and know ways in which you can try to remove the problem of infant gas, as long as it is mild. For more serious cases, visit the doctor. Put the baby on the shoulder after the feeding, since this will cause the baby to burp. It is very good for a baby to burp frequently. The muscles can get more relaxed if you bath your baby in warm baths. Also, you can use some medications, like colic relievers and one of them is gripe water. There are some drops for infant gas that can be used, but you may also do some exercises with the baby. Push the legs forth and back and this will be beneficial on the gas problem. Relief can also be experienced if the pressure is applied on the abdomen. Although this problem is common and benign, it can be easily avoided. Mothers should eat no gas producing food, they should massage the baby frequently, feed it with lower amount of milk, put the baby in sitting position for approximately half an hour after the meal and always make the baby burp.
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