There are probably only few women who do not like to havebig breasts. It is estimated that the women withsmall breasts have less confidence than those with bigger breasts since thebreasts give a sensual look to a woman, and it is widely believed that the menare most attracted by the women with big breasts. Therefore, many women decideto enlarge their breasts either naturally or in a surgery.
Natural breast enlargement
It is considered that the natural breast enhancementis safer than the surgical breast enlargement, and that it is without side effects as well.The size of the breasts, as well as their firmness, can be effectively achievedby certain herbs and their supplements. It is safer and painless, as well as more affordable and discreet, which is important for every woman.
The breasts start to grow in the puberty and onceagain in pregnancy, since during these two periods the amounts of the estrogen,progesterone and prolactin, which regulate the growth of the breast tissue, areincreased. These three hormones are popularly known as animal hormones, but eventhough they influence the breasts growth, every women should avoid theproducts containing these hormones since they may also cause the cells of thebreasts to grow abnormally, thus causing the development of cancer.
Safe plant power for natural breast enlargement
The woman who want to enlarge their breastsnaturally should use natural estrogen found in certain herbs, such as SawPalmetto and Mexican Wild Yam, as well as Fenugreek. These herbs contain thenatural estrogens called phytoestrogens, which promotes the growth of the new tissue inthe breasts. Many experts claim that the women may enlarge their breasts even by150% by using these herbs.
Diet and exercise
The women who want to have bigger and firmer breastsshould also make some changes in the lifestyle, as well as in the diet. Weight lifting, as well as a fitness regimen, is veryimportant for the natural breast enhancement and making the breasts firmer, fullerand rounder.
The women should also pay attention to what they eatsince they also regulate the amounts of hormones through the foods. The healthydiet influences the tightening of the skin on the whole body and around the breastin this case, making the breasts firm and lifted. Drinking plenty of liquid and water is essential forthe natural enhancement of the breasts as well.
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