Unpleasant dependency
Once a person comesdown with a cold or some other illness that also affects the person’s breathingpassages, as a direct consequence, the nose gets into “stuffy” mode. Whathappens is that the blood vessels, which are located inside the nasal cavity,expand thus enabling the excess fluid to find its way into the tissues, and itis exactly this that initiates the blockage. And once our nasal cavities becomeclogged, a person experiences a lot of difficulty when attempting to breathe inand out by way of a nose. Given its unpleasant nature, it can affect numerous spheresof one’s life, including the sleep. Therefore, once this takes place, peopletend to momentarily seek help from the “authorized nasal spray.” The fact thatthe remedy in question is highly effective when it comes to providing immediatealleviation is true, of course. But one quite unpleasant downside is that aperson can seriously get “hooked” on it, and that way jeopardize his/heroverall health and well being to an enormous extent. The possible andreasonable explanation is considered to be based in the fact that thoughproviding relief, this is only short-term in nature, which means that everyonce in a while, in the course of the day or night, a person needs to spraysome into the nose. And this is how the addiction starts.
Addiction inducing villains
The strength of anynasal spray lies in the fact that it produces a completely opposite effect onthe person’s nasal blood vessels, i.e. it constricts them immediately after thespray has been employed. It also brings the overall swelling under control,thus resulting in the opening up of the breathing passages and enabling aperson in question to breathe properly once again. Unfortunately, and asmentioned above, given the fact that this last only for a limited time, oncethe effects of the spray wear off, then it’s back to the unpleasant beginningonce again. This is the main reason behind the more than recommended use of anasal spray. In case a person, after a while, keeps carrying the optedfor spray everywhere s/he goes, cannot stand to be without it and startsraising havoc once the spray cannot be found or there isn’t any more left, thenthe person should face the unpleasant truth – addiction is already there.
Remedy addiction downsides
The mostserious downside to this addiction is a fairly frequent recurrence of nasalcongestion. This is induced by overdoing it with the nasal spray and thedevelopment of spray tolerance. Because of this, the person in question will notbenefit from the effects of the spray to such a high degree as at the beginningof the treatment, but on the other hand, s/he will keep on using the spray since thecongestion would be still present. Among other most common side effects aresuch as bleeding from the nose, coughing, watery eyes, allergic reactions,increased heartbeat rate, as well as post nasal drip.
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