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IntroductionThe common cold is one of the medical conditions which normally affect a lot of people, but unfortunately it tends to be quite annoying with its symptoms and there are no fast ways of treating it. Nasal sprays are certain types of medicaments which can be of great help when it comes to making it a bit easier for all those who suffer from common cold. Not all different types of remedies for common cold are equally effective and not all of them may be effective in all individuals. The congestion of nasal passages is one of the most annoying symptoms commonly associated with common cold. The symptom results in headaches and a stuffy nose in most cases. Nasal sprays may come in very handy when it comes to relieving those kinds of problems. Some nasal sprays can be purchased over the counter, while certain others can only be purchased via prescription.

The Types of Nasal Sprays

There are two basic types of nasal sprays available on the market. Those two types are nasal decongestant sprays and saline based nasal sprays. One needs to be well informed about the differences between the two, so that he or she can choose the most appropriate type of medication. The saline based nasal sprays can be purchased over the counter and they can be used infinite times. They are efficient in loosening up the mucus and clearing out mild instances of congestion. Decongestant nasal sprays can only be purchased via prescription and they should not be used for more than three days, because they may be associated with a medical condition known as rhinitis medicamentosa. Some of the nasal sprays may also be used to relieve the symptoms of certain types of allergies as well. Small children should not use them, though. The most popular brands of nasal sprays for common cold include Vicks Sinex Nasal Spray, Vicks First Defense, Rhinocort Nasal Spray, Otrivin Nasal Spray, Fess Nasal Spray, Drixine Nasal Spray, Dimetapp 12 Hours Nasal Spray and Atrovent Nasal Spray.

All of the aforementioned types of nasal sprays need to be used in the right amounts in order to avoid certain types of side effects. Nasal sprays can be addictive so they should not be used for prolonged periods of time. The nose needs to be cleared before using the spray, and the spray container needs to be shaken well. The spray needs to be placed into each nostril.

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