Nasal congestion
Nasal congestion is popularly known and called stuffy nose. It appears whenthe nasal tissues and the blood vessels in this area become swollen due to excessive fluid, thus resulting in the stuffy sensation. There are many possible causes for the occurrence of nasal congestion, from simplecommon cold and influenza to some serious respiratory system disorders. There are also cases when people sufferfrom chronic nasal congestion although there is no evident cause. When that occurs, the condition is called non-allergic rhinitis.
When one suffers from nasal congestion, he/she may experience runny nose, although the nasal congestion may occur without this symptom as well. When nasal congestion appears in children, it brings a lot of discomfort forthem, and it should be treated promptly in order to prevent some furthercomplications, such as problems with hearing and headaches.
Home remedies for nasal congestion in children
The children with nasal congestion should take ample of rest, sleep, anddrink a lot of fluids. The fruits, as well as vegetables, should be consumedsince they will help in flushing the irritants out of the nasal cavity. It is recommendedthat the children should not consume tea or coffee. The frequent blowing of the nose is very important when the nasal congestionis in question. For the children who have problems with blowing, there is also a possibility of nasal suctions.
Among the effective nasal congestionremedies is the inhalation with hot stream, as well as the use of anair humidifier. When a baby has a problemwith nasal congestion, the parents should insert cotton swabs in its nostrils since the cotton swabs tend to push the blockageinto the nostrils of the baby. One of the remedies for nasal congestion in babies is to breastfeed them asmuch and long as a mothers can. However, when this breastfeeding becomes difficult, itis recommended to supplement it with Pedialyte, which maintains the babies wellhydrated and makes the swallowing much easier.
When the nasal congestion occurs ininfants and children, it is not always necessary to visit a doctor. If the childbreathes without difficulty and is well hydrated, then the visit to the doctoris not needed and some of the above mentioned home remedies may help a lot. However, whenthe nasal congestion prolong and lasts for more than 7 days, as well as when the child has problems with breathing, then the doctor should be consulted.
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