Infection of the bladder is the condition that commonly affects women. However, men can also develop bladder infection, usually due to bacteria found in the urinary tract. Bladder Infection in Men
Bladder infection is a form of the urinary tract infection. It is also called cystitis. Cystitis tends to affect men over the age of 50 due to problems related to the prostate gland. Bacterial infection is the common cause of bladder infection, when bacteria reach the bladder through the kidneys or prostate.
Cystitis in men is not so serious condition and it can be easily cured. But, if left untreated, bacterial infection in males can lead to severe complications such as kidney damage and others. Therefore, it is important to know what the symptoms of cystitis in men are in order to receive prompt treatment and avoid potential complications.
Causes of Bladder Infection in Men
Controlling the urge to urinate for a long period of time is one of the leading causes of cystitis in both males and females. This causes bacteria to settle in the bladder leading to infection. In males, bladder infection may also occur due to injury to the urethra. Certain clothing or use of bubble baths may irritate the urethra and cause infection in the bladder. Both sexes may develop bladder infection due to wiping themselves from back to front after defecating.
Congenital defects in the urinary tract can also give rise to cystitis. For example, the tubes connecting the bladder to the kidneys may be incorrectly formed during fetal development. Men with uncircumcised penis too are likely to develop cystitis. Finally, use of urinary catheter following surgery may lead to cystitis as it may introduce bacteria into the urinary tract.
Symptoms of Bladder Infection in Men
Bladder infection in men commonly causes frequent need to urinate and burning sensation while urinating. Feeling of a full bladder even when it is empty is also common. Urine of a person with cystitis is usually cloudy and foul smelling, and may contain visible blood.
Bladder infection is accompanied with pain as well. The pain may be felt in the lower back, above the pubic bone and while passing urine. Fever, chills and night sweats may occur if bladder infection spreads to the kidneys. In such case, the patient will also experience fatigue, confusion, nausea and vomiting.
Diagnosis and Treatment for Bladder Infection in Men
Diagnosis of cystitis in men is based on signs and symptoms. Urinalysis helps to confirm the diagnosis as it reveals presence of bacteria. Imaging tests can be also used to see whether the infection has spread to the kidneys.
Bladder infection can be cleared up with antibiotics. Antibiotics for cystitis are usually taken by mouth for 7-14 days. Home remedies can also help in treatment of bladder infection. This includes drinking plenty of water and regular intake of cranberry juice.
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