Ingrown Hair Facts
A lot of people experience ingrown hair problems quite often. Namely, ingrown hair usually takes place after removing it through shaving, waxing or using other methods of achieving this effect. Then, as the hair starts growing anew, it sometimes goes in a wrong direction and makes a small injury on the surface of the skin, triggering inflammation and thus all the other problems related to this condition. However, there are other reasons behind this problem too and one can benefit from knowing as much about ingrown hair as possible, dealing with his/her own too, should the occasion arise.
Reasons behind Ingrown Hair
Some of the main causes of ingrown hair in both males and females are several different things. First of all, stiff hair is more likely to cause you these problems than a less resistant one. Also, having dry skin will easily result in the inflammation of the area affected by a wrongly growing hair. Moreover, a hair follicle can be positioned wrongly, making a hair curl or grow in an unsuitable direction. Finally, shaving oneself incorrectly may easily lead to ingrown hairs. Therefore, you need to be careful not to shave too much of your hair or not to use an unsuitable method of shaving. Genetics too plays a great part in this process. Thus, these are considered responsible for ingrown hair as well.
Ingrown Hair Manifestations
Even though ingrown hair is mostly noticeable through the redness on one's skin and the minor irritation it causes, there are far more complicated states of affairs capable of taking place. For example, bacteria may infect the small wounds on the surface of the skin and cause inflammations as well as dangerous infections. This can trigger itchiness, pain and bleeding, resulting in scars, rashes and skin discolorations. Therefore, as soon as you notice an ingrown hair on some part of your body, you are best to seek medical assistance.
Possible Treatment of Ingrown Hair
There are several different ways of getting rid of an ingrown hair. Lucky individuals may wait and experience the inflammation disappearing on its own. Others may have to try harder and undergo different treatments. You might try exposing the ingrown hair to a cloth soaked in warm water and then, after the skin has gone softer, removing the problematic hair with tweezers, disinfecting the area with hydrogen peroxide afterwards.
Also, keep you skin clean, shave in the same direction continuously and avoid going against the grain. Take good care of your skin after shaving, do not wear tight clothes then and exfoliate your skin often. These are all excellent measures of prevention of these problems.
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