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Facts about Ingrown Hair Bumps

Pseudofolliculitis barbae, or, simply,ingrown hair bumps, razor burns, razor bumps or ingrown, are allsynonyms for the same problem usually affecting people with curlyhair and those who shave often.

Each single person is bound to have atleast one case of ingrown hair bump in their life since these areconsidered normal occurrences affecting all of us from time to time.

Reasons behind Ingrown Hair Bumps

As soon as the hair has been cut belowits skin levels, there is a chance that it will become ingrown,causing inflamed bumps to appear on the surface of our skin. This canalso happen if the hair breaks below the skin level. Either way, itcontinues to grow. However, it moves through the skin tissue ratherthan through the pores.

Waxing is the most common cause ofthese problems. This happens due to the fact that, while removinghair with wax, we pull out hair follicles at a certain angle whichmake them grow in a wrong direction afterwards, triggering theappearance of ingrown hair bumps.

Possible Treatments

Once suffering from ingrown hair bumps,you should not ignore them and prolong treatment. This will likelyresult in inflammation getting worse and possibly evolving into aninfection, making the whole problem much more complicated. Also,during the treatment, you must not overdo it since these sensitiveparts of our body may get even more inflamed.

The first cure is exfoliating, orremoving the dead skin. This should be done gently, especially if youare treating your facial area, using gentle exfoliation scrubs. Usinga soft bristle face brush is a good choice as well, because, whenused in circular motions, it dislodges the tips of your hairs andkeeps the follicles clean.

Alternatively, you may need to changethe way you are shaving yourself. You may be keeping the razor tooclose to the skin, cutting the hairs too deeply. Also, make sure youdo not pull your skin during shaving or press the razor excessively.Razors with only one blade are best for shaving since these minimizechances of suffering from ingrown hair bumps.

Finally, if you need to remove theingrown hair from your skin, you need to do the following. Use aneedle which has previously been sterilized and dipped into alcoholfor about half a minute. Then, before anything else, apply a hotcompress on the troublesome spot. After the alcohol has evaporatedfrom the needle and your pores have become wide opened from the heat,you can use the tip of the needle to gently remove the ingrown hair.Tweezers can be used for this purpose as well. Just make sure youclean the area after the procedure, using warm water andantibacterial soap.

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