A few words about the ingrown hair
Ingrown hair is the problem of having a hair growing back into the skin. That happens when the tip of the hair from some reason turns down and grows that way, towards the opposite direction, or when it grows sideways into the skin, due to the infectious process of the root of the hair follicle. And, because of that, the blister-like formation appears on the spot, and it contains pus, consequently. The most troublesome ingrown hair cases are, naturally, the ones that affect the facial skin. In most of the cases, the infection in the first place occurs as the result of shaving process or because of the simple allergic response on the skin to some provoker.
The most prominent indicators of this condition are the redness, after which the bump emerges. Then, the affected spot becomes painful additionally. The problem is not so severe, but it is very obvious and unsightly and that is why the special attention should be paid not only to the treatment, but also to the prevention of hair growing back into the skin.How to take it out?
However, the first step of the treatment and the prevention is to cleanse thoroughly the skin, and in the case of suffering from this particular problem, the best way to do that is by using a sterile pad and rubbing the face gently with it. Having in mind that these formations are very similar to acne, it is recommendable to use the similar treatment for getting rid of them, such as, for example, applying the salicylic acid for the first several days of the treatment.
After wiping off all the impurities from the facial skin, the direct treatment focused on the affected follicle could start. First of all, the spot should be prepared from the removal of the hair by softening the area and pushing the hair up. And that is usually done with the use of the sterile pad, which is previously immersed into the warm water, and which should be kept over the spot for at least ten minutes. Having that done, the next step is to take out the hair with the sterile tweezers, for example. After that, the spot should be cleansed again, in order to stop the infection from extending over the nearby skin.
Of course, besides this manual at-home technique of the hair takeout, there are some procedures which deal with this problem once for always, such as the treatment with laser rays or electrical impulses, but they are very costly.
In order to prevent the future recurrence of the problem, one should shave more rarely, by not pressing the skin too much and by avoiding the shaving from the opposite direction of the hair growth.
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