Introduction to toothaches
A toothache is always a very painful experience for anybody who has had one. It is a severe dental condition in which intense pain arises when the nerve root of the tooth becomes irritated.
Many problems that occur in the teeth or the jaw usually manifest in severe pain of the tooth. Dental cavities, cracked teeth, exposed tooth roots and gum diseases can all result in a tremendous toothache.
Also, any disease that affects the jaw joint or the muscles that help a person chew food can also result in a toothache.
Sometimes it can be a mild pain, but often times the toothache can be excruciating, simply because there are so many nerve endings located in the mouth. When a person has a toothache, the worst thing they can do is to eat extremely hot or cold foods, because this can aggravate the pain even further.
Thankfully, there are a number of home remedies that can be used to alleviate the pain and treat the toothache.
One remedy that has been used for centuries to cure a toothache is clove oil.
It can alleviate the pain that is going on in the mouth, but, it can also kill off the infection that is causing the toothache, because the oil has antiseptic properties of its own.
If the toothache is being caused by tooth decay, then the best thing to do is to dab some clove oil on the tooth for instance relief from the severe pain.
Another good remedy to use is asafetida, which is a gum resin that comes from a variety of plants.
It can be used to make a paste with lemon juice, because can then be applied to the tooth for the pain to subside.
If the person does not want to use lemon juice, the paste can be made with salt, and then used to cover the tooth until the pain goes away.
Another very good remedy is an onion, because it has antibacterial properties. Chewing on an onion might give you bad breath, but it will help to get rid of a toothache as well.
Wheat grass can also be used to treat a toothache, and just like the onion, all a person has to do is chew on it and the wheat grass will draw out toxins from the gums and stop bacterial growth in the mouth.
It is also a good idea to use wheat grass juice as a mouthwash.
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