Tea made from lemon grass is known among people for ages, especially for its medicinal properties and health benefits. Its lands of origin are considered to be South East Asia and Africa, respectively. But the people who have probably brought it to the rest of the world are Indians, who used this grass-like herb to give their dishes a more savory and rich taste. Its other form – the oil is used because of the zesty flavor it is characterized by, as well as for remedying purposes. Among other things, it is extremely effective for alleviation of such conditions as cold (common type) and all sorts of cough.
Overall Benefits
Because of its properties, lemon grass has long ago become one of the most important spices when it comes to South Asian cuisine. Among other beneficial properties, it is famous for having a soothing and relaxing effect on the body. Because of this property, it aids to a great extent in warding off sleep-related conditions such as insomnia by bringing about sleep. Its other remedying effects include nausea alleviation, as well as alleviation of more severe cramps during the menstruation cycle. Beside this, it also has properties of a diuretic.
Benefits of The Lemon Grass Tea
This “miraculous” fluid is extremely beneficial for a person’s overall health. It is extremely effective in detoxifying the liver, also kidneys, bladder, digestive tract, and the pancreas. Furthermore, it aids in keeping the body’s cholesterol levels in check and in balance, as well as the levels of excess fats and toxins, this way improving the digestion to a great extent. When it comes to those more serious conditions, it needs to be emphasized that tea made from the plant in question is considered to be an ancient cure for chest congestion, as well as for cold and cough, both mild and severe ones. Once it is enriched with just a dash of pepper, it turns into a powerful remedy for pain occurring due to the menstrual cycle. For those having skin problems, lemon grass tea can also provide numerous benefits, among other things, it is effective in preventing acne from showing up.
Lemongrass Tea Recipe
In order to make one of your own, you will be needing the following ingredients:
Lemongrass (a couple of clamps)One cup of waterMilk (if you prefer it)Honey or sugar, again according to personal preferencesStrainer
Preparation – first thing you need to do is peel off the outer layer of the leaves, since they are known to be rather bitter in taste, and in case you are not particularly keen on this particular taste, you will want to remove them. Next thing to do is boil the water, adding clumps inside. This should be left boiling on a slow heat for 20 minutes or so. This way, you will extract the essence of all the leaves previously put in. After 20 minutes have passed, you need to add up a sweetener and get it back to boil five minutes more. In the end, strain and bottoms up.
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