Information on Sarsaparilla Root
Sarsaparilla root is popular because of its numerous healthbenefits and medicinal values. Sarsaparilla got its name from Spanish wordssarza and parilla. Sarza means thorny shrubs, while parilla stands for vines.The plant comes from the family of lilies and it originates from Jamaica, SouthAmerica and the Caribbean region. It require temperate and tropical climate inorder to be grown well. It can grow up to 50 meters in height. It can becharacterized by a very pleasant taste.
Sarsaparilla Root Health Benefits
Sarsaparilla root is a remarkable source of numerousdifferent types of essential nutrients such as vitamin A, essential fattyacids, vitamin B complex, amino acids, vitamin C, iodine, vitamin D, phosphorus,magnesium and iron.
It is also known for its potent anti inflammatory properties,which means that it can be used for the prevention and treatment of certainmedical conditions such as arthritis, gout, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.Sarsaparilla root contains saponin which provides it with strong antibacterialproperties so it can be used for the treatment of several types of infectionssuch as urinary tract infection, gonorrhea, skin diseases, syphilis, eczema,abscesses, boils and psoriasis. It must be applied in a topical manner on theaffected areas of the skin.
Sarsaparilla root can also be of great help forbodybuilders because it contains certain natural steroidal components. It can alsobe of great help when it comes to prevention and treatment of certain othermedical conditions such as multiple sclerosis, breathing problems, mercurypoisoning and abdominal bloating. Sarsaparilla root is efficient in maintaininga healthy hormone balance in both women and men. It is very beneficial in thetreatment of impotence, menopause symptoms, infertility and frigidity.Sarsaparilla root can also be used for the preparation of herbal tea which canbe used externally and internally as well.
It is very efficient in cleansingthe blood, toning the body, boosting the stamina and increasing the levels ofenergy in the human body. It can also be applied as poultice for the treatmentof ringworm infected areas of the skin. One can also use it as a very effectiveeye wash. Sarsaparilla root tea is known for its laxative and diureticproperties, which means that it is very efficient in relieving constipation andimproving the urine flow.
Other Information
Sarsaparilla root can be purchased in the form of liquidextracts, tincture, tablets, powder and capsules or it can be used for thepreparation of herbal tea. It can be affiliated with certain types of allergic reactions.
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