If you are interested about facts related to left-handed people, read this text and you will find out more about them. Left-handed people are the individuals who use their left hand to perform any task they have. There are about 10% of people who are left-handed and it is not considered to be a disability. These people just find it more comfortable using left hand than the right one. Also, there are more men that are left-handed than women.
Interesting facts
We still do not know for sure what the causes for left hand preference are. It is assumed that heritage can be one of those reasons, since parents who are left-handed have children with the same preference. There are also other facts that can have influence on this phenomenon such as high testosterone levels in mother during pregnancy, birth trauma and physical conditioning.
Since nerve paths are crossed in the brain, our left hand of the brain controls right part of the body and vice versa. That means that if the right side of the brain is dominant, a person will be left-handed. The right hemisphere is responsible for creativity, since the centers for art, music and all creative intelligence are located there. This is why it is believed that people who are left-handed are more creative than right-handed and there is much evidence in the real life that confirms this belief. Many artists are actually left-handed.
There are some families whose members are usually left-handed, but we didn't discover a gene that is responsible for this phenomenon. This is only a hypothesis because there are situations where parents are right-handed but their child is left-handed, and vice versa. So we cannot claim that the genes are responsible for the preference of the left hand.
Life expectancy
In the past some, researches showed that left-handed people live about nine years shorter than the right handed. However, recent studies showed that that is not true, but also revealed that left handed individuals are more prone to develop some problems with the stomach. There are also some interesting facts about left-handedness such as facts with twins. When there are twins, there are more chances that one of the twins will be left-handed, while another will be right-handed. It is also shown that those who are left-handed will more likely develop dyslexia if forced to use their right hand. Left handed individuals will enter the puberty four to five months earlier than right handed.
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