Can Dirty Hands Kill Me?!
We are not even aware of howimportant our personal hygiene is to maintain our overall health andwell-being. Even more so, we fail to recognize the crucial necessityof keeping our hands clean and disinfected at all times. Our handsare involved into almost every action we do, from going to the toilet to eating and coming into contact with items or people in our daily activities. All this makes them prone to havingdifferent bacteria and microorganisms on their surface at all times.Thus, dirty hands are the causes of countless diseases and healthcomplications, some of which may lead us to death. Frightening as itmight seem, this is so. Therefore, proper hygiene is crucial. In caseyou do not believe this, read on and learn about some interestingfacts which might change your opinion.
Hand Hygiene Facts
The area between our fingers all theway up to our elbows presents a home for more than ten million ofdifferent bacteria and each time we visit the rest room, unless wewash our hands, this number doubles, to say the least. Researches show that only 70% of all people who use restrooms washtheir hands afterwards, while the rest leave with adouble amount of germs to spread around. Moreover, men are lesslikely to wash their hands than women are. However, right handedpeople usually take less effort in washing their left hand properlyand vice-versa. All these microorganisms located on your handsmultiply faster if your hands are wet or moist to begin with.Furthermore, they are bound to stay on your hands for more than threehours, before being replaced with other germs of the same or similartype. Also, watches, bracelets, rings and similar jewelry itemspresent excellent breeding grounds for germs. Thereby, it is notstrange that 80% of all infections are directly or indirectly causedby dirty hands.
What Is To Be Done?
First of all, follow the basic rulesyour parents taught you. Wash your hands before and after eating orpreparing food as well as after having anything to do with dirty andunhygienic items and places. The same goes for after getting incontact with a sick individual, after going to the bathroom,coughing, wiping the nose, changing baby's diaper or touching anyopen wounds.
You are to wash your hands properly bywetting them with water initially, using plenty of soap, rubbing themagainst each other until all the areas have been cleansed or coveredwith soap adequately. This may last for about 20 seconds, beforewashing your hands with water thoroughly, again, and wiping them drywith a towel. When you are in areas with no water or soap, you mayuse hand sanitizers in forms of gels, taking good care of yourpersonal hygiene regardless of the conditions.
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